Thursday, March 19, 2015

10 Things You Should Be Subject in School

 Today, everything is 'faster' and 'early'. Children now entrepreneurship early literacy, children are now financially literate and ownership matters more quickly, and the situation of the creative industries make them have to understand the concept of creativity, and have practical skills that are also more adaptive than the generation before them. Therefore, in my eyes, schools in this era should be no longer a preoccupation focused in developing students with a good report card nan shine in the affairs of value alone, but should help students and students prepare for life. Help them by teaching Real-life skills! There are 10 things that I think should be taught in schools, colleges, and other educational institutions, to help them prepare for life earlier!

1. Subject: Planning and Professional Studies As I said last week in the article "One Subject", lack of insight and awareness of the profession, is now starting to become a serious problem. Therefore, all educational institutions should teach about the choice of profession, and teach the students how to prepare for professions pathways.

 2. Subject: Financial Knowledge Our parents were kind often do not want us to know about the difficulty of finding and managing money. I think this mindset must be changed! Introduce children and students as early as possible with financial concepts, so they are not surprised later. Teach through the course of the financial world, the concept of bank credit, the concept of interest, and how to manage finances wisely.

 3. Subject: Purchase of Goods and Ownership The problem of consumerism is not only one of the media, advertising, and industry, but also one we are releasing the child to the world of 'goods and brand cool' without having an understanding of ownership and knowledge capital goods purchases. Teach them about the concept of 'brand / brand', the concept of product quality, and how to buy luxury items such as gadgets, cars, or even property.

4. Subject: Thinking and Practice Entrepreneurship Teach early as possible concepts, mindset, and even through the game in the class or monthly project assignments, practice entrepreneurship. Introduce in their choice of profession that is in addition to working in the office, and how the mindset in the run. How to start, manage, develop, and create products for business.

5. Subject: People Skills One key to a successful life is relationship. So, people skills, is one of the sciences that must be mastered by everyone in his life. Teach in class through formal lessons, the concept of building relationships, building community, and in collaboration with others with empathy.

6. Subject: Creativity and Work Processes In this digital era, and creative, to be passionpreneurs, everyone should be able to be creative and work. Teach in class on creative concepts, work processes, and introduce about the concept of copyright and Intellectual Property Rights International, in order to be able to create products and new works, how to launch a new work for the target audience, while respecting the work of others.

7. Subject: Public Speaking The ability to speak in public will always faced every person in his life. When a student he would presentation, when interviewed for the work, while presenting the idea, until now trying to get the project at the client's office. Teach them how to behave on stage, intonation, grammar mastery of words, the eye, and convey information effectively.

8. Subject: Leadership and Decision Making Teach students and student leadership skills as capital to work and work better. In this course, the student or the student will learn how to manage a team, lead a team, and build mental leader and decision-making.

9. Subject: Ability to Solve Problems Many times I meet with the student and the student, even before the graduation and graduation, which still have a mental 'up to the father'. They still hope someone helps them deal with it. This situation can be solved by teaching them how to look at the problem, distinguishing the situation, and resolve problems and conflicts efficiently.

10. Subject: Planning and Achievement Last but not least, one that distinguishes success and failure is the presence seiringkali goals / objectives, and the ability to create a solid plan to achieve it. Through this course, the student and the student will be taught how to create SMART goals, accurate, meaningful and feasible, and how to build a plan step by step, how to determine the milestones, to be able to achieve it. That's 10 things that I should have time to put into the curriculum as a subject at school or college official. What do you think? What things do you think should also be taught in schools and the Institute of

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

best picture 2014

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tuna Teriyaki dengan Salad

Tuna Teriyaki dengan Salad Tuna Teriyaki dengan Salad
Resep Masakan Tuna Teriyaki dengan Salad
Bahan :

Resep Chocolate Chip Cookie Untuk Pengidap Diabetes

Menu makanan Pengidap DiabetesResep Masakan Sehat Untuk Pengidap Diabetes – Chocolate Chip Cookie. Untuk anda ataupun keluarga yang mempunyai penyakit diabetes . Berikut resep masakan cemilan chocolate chips cookies yang boleh disajikan . Bersumber dari
Berikut bahan – bahan Chocolate Chip Cookie Diabetes :
1 / 2 c. mentega
1 / 3 c. Gula Merah
1 butir telur
1 1 / 2 sdt. vanili ekstrak
1 1 / 3 c. tepung terigu

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Resep Masakan Camilan Non Gula : Cake Keju

RESEP nATAL DAN TAhUN bARU : Cake KejuBahan Untuk Masakan Camilan Non Gula Cake Keju:
  • 6 kuning telur
  • 1 sdm gula diet/gula fruktosa
  • 1/2 sdm emulsifier
  • 40 g tepung terigu
  • 1 sdt baking powder
  • 1 sdt vanili bubuk
  • 50 g mentega, cairkan
  • 100 g keju parut
  • 2 loyang dengan luas 12 cm, oles dengan margarin, lapisi kertas roti
  • 40 g mentega
  • 1 sdt gula diet
  • 1/2 sdt vanili
  • 25 g keju parut
Cara Membuat Resep Masakan Camilan Non Gula  Cake Keju:
  1. Kocok telur, gula, dan emulsifier hingga putih.
  2. Campur bahan kering, ayak di atas kocokan telur dan aduk rata.
  3. Masukkan mentega cair dan vanili, aduk rata.
  4. Tuangkan ke dalam kedua loyang, taburi sebagian keju. Panggang. Angkat. Dinginkan.
  5. Membuat lapisan: Kocok mentega dengan gula dan vanila hingga lembut. Campurkan keju parut, aduk rata.
  6. Taburi sisa keju di atas cake, lapisi dengan bahan lapisan, tumpuk menjadi dua, taburi keju sisa kembali.
Untuk 10 porsi
Nilai gizi per porsi:
Energi: 123 Kkal
Protein: 5,1 g
Lemak: 9,2 g
Karbohidrat: 6,2 g
Sumber :


Menu masakan yang disajikan khusus untuk si penderita diabetes millitus yaitu amplop kembang tahu. Kembang tahu ini memang masih asing dikalangan masyarakat. Mungkin juga sudah ada yang kenal terlebih dahulu sebelum melihat postingan ini. Para penggemar kuliner pandai-pandailah membuat menu, untuk itu banyaklah membaca dan mengembangkan ilmu yang ada pada diri kita, menuntut ilmu itu memang wajib dengan bertambahnya ilmu orang akan semakin pandai dan kembangkanlah ilmu itu. Ilmu bukan dari segi pengetahuan aja, tapi masak  juga merupakan salah satu ilmu yang harus kita pelajari khususnya wanita, ilmu mahal harganya. Untuk mengembangkan ilmu masak, mari kita menuju dapur untuk masak menuamplop kembang tahu.*Kembang tahu ini tipis dan lemas, tidak usah direndam dulu. Bisa dibeli dipasar tradisional, swalayan, maupun hipermarket.*


Jamur yang tumbuh indah dengan motif payung pelindung dari air hujan, diolah menjadi menu yang istimewa. Dengan kepandaian dan kereatifan seorang kuliner jamur bisa menjadikan segala jenis masakan salah satunya adalah botok jamur. Disuatu hari ada petani yang sedang memanen jamur, dan dia bilang bahwa jamur rasanya enak seperti daging ayam. Dengan mendengar cerita itu aku jadi tertarik untuk membelinya, dan sesampai dirumah aku binggung mau ku apakan, eh masuk kamar teringat buku resep masakan dan aku buka tak sengaja buka langsung resep botok jamur. Setelah itu langsung aku masak aja jamur itu menjadi botok. Botok jamur ini rasanya enak  lezat dan kaya akan gizi.