Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Jeita Cave is located in the middle west sides of Mount Lebanon, more specifically in the valley of Nahr al-Kalb, the natural entrance is about 100 meters (330 feet) above sea level. It is located 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) east of the Mediterranean coast and 18 kilometers (11 miles) north of Beirut is still within the limits of the municipality Jeita
Jeita Cave classified in stratified cave Lower-Middle Jurassic Keserouane a stratigraphic thickness of 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) and consists of dolostone and micritic limestone. Strata Keserouane be karstified after exposure to air and then buried with lime.

From the entrance into the cave. Looks smooth flat terrain which is sometimes interrupted by small cascades and rapids. From the west, Jeita cave begins with a large hall and the winding twists and turns. Through several rapids, size becomes narrow. then extends known as cave Thompson (250 meters (820 feet) long and 60 meters (200 feet) wide), Grand Chaos 500 meters (1,600 feet) in length) and Mroueh's Hall (200 meters (660 feet) and 50 meters (160 feet ) width). These latter two floors with a block of ruins. cave ends with Y-shaped pattern, in which, each branch ending in a high pressure will suck though
Jeita Cave, Karst caves that have formed over millions of years because of changes in chalk. This limestone is dissolved by carbonic acid from rain water and ground water, and then became cracked and the strength of tectonic forces airpada oozes rock and began to expand the cracks and caves formed cave.
Jeita is the longest cave complex in the Middle East, a height of 300 meters (980 feet) above sea level and has a height difference of 305 meters (1001 feet)
Jeita Cave is the longest explored cave in Lebanon. After years of exploration, speleologists have penetrated approximately 6200 meters (20,300 feet) from the lower entrance to the tip of an underground river and about 2130 meters (6990 feet) from the gallery above.
Upper Cave
Jeita Cave has a total length of over 2130 meters (6990 feet) is only 750 meters (2460 feet) accessible to visitors through a special road, access to the rest of the cave is restricted to prevent environmental damage that may occur because of the tourists. Cave above contains a large concentration of various crystal formations such as stalactites, stalagmites, columns, fungi, pond. Gallery on the formation of the famous., Illuminated by an effective lighting system up to 117 meters (384 feet) long with a concrete tunnel. Part accessed by a visitor who has three large rooms. namely White and Red Room, because of the color formation. dripstones pure white calcite without pollution, the red color given by the iron oxide (rust) in small quantities. in Lebanon has a red iron oxide, not the color of chocolate cream are common in northern countries. The reason is the different chemical reactions caused by high temperatures which produce various types of iron oxide. White Room size, but has the most impressive formations of the cave. Red Room to 106 meters (348 feet) tall, and 30 meters (98 feet) to 50 meters (160 feet) wide. The third room was the largest of all three rooms and has a height of more than 120 meters (390 feet) [4] The world's longest stalactite. Located in Jeita's White Chamber; that measure 8.2 meters (27 feet) long. [25]
Low Gallery which has a total length of 6200 meters (20,300 feet) is located 60 meters (200 feet) below the gallery above. It is traversed by a small underwater river and lake (the "Dark Lake"). River Lami damaged by several small changes. "Low's Thompson's Cave Cavern"., Is a large hall with impressive speleothems such as stalagmites Obelisk Eagle. Another room in the lower gallery, including the Pantheon, Grand Chaos and the Shangri-la. Visitor] transported in the lower gallery by electric ships to a distance of 500 meters (1,600 feet). In winter, the lower level is closed, when the water level is too high
The name of the cave changed several times since its discovery. Originally known as the Nahr al-Kalb Grottoes, he became known as Djaita, Jehita, and finally Jeita. Naher el Kalb is the name of the river that flows through the caves, while Jeita, which means "rushing water" in Aramaic, is the city where the cave entrance is located. The transition from Grottoes Nahr al-Kalb to Jeita Grottoes occurred in 1927, many newspapers use the last name
In 1961, Jeita become a national symbol when the Lebanese authorities issued a stamp featuring a lower cave to promote national tourism. Mr. Maroun Hajj, the rowers is shown on a stamp until 40 years later
So far we know of Beirut, Lebanon, just as the conflict areas where civil war erupted and devastated the city. But did you know in the city of 'hot' that turned out to save a challenging adventure into the bowels of the earth directly. A limestone cave Jeita Gratto offers entry into the abdominal sensation Beirut. If you ever watched the movie adventure "Journey to the Center of the Earth", maybe something like like that situation Jeita Grotto. Incredible beautiful!
Enchantment Jeita Grotto make it as one of the finalists 7 Wonders of the World. The announcement of the new seven wonders of the world will be New7Wonders Foundation in 2011. Tourism Jeita Grotto cave was closed when civil war erupted in 1978, and only reopened in 1995.
Goa bottom inhabited in prehistoric times but was rediscovered in 1836 by Reverend William Thomson. This place can only be visited by boat because of an underground river that provides drinking water for residents of Beirut.
Who's the top of the cave discovered in 1958 by Lebanese speleologists. Its location, 60 meters (200 ft) above the cave bottom, here tourists can take a walk look around. There are spaces like the rooms are decorated with stalactites. The halls were most tinggiberukuran 120 m

Jeita Grotto, located in the valley of Nahr al-Kalb River, about 20 km north of the capital city of Beirut, like a palace in the bowels of the earth. There were rooms decorated with beautiful stalactites. That site consists of two separate limestone caves, the cave top and bottom, where an underground river flowing along the 6230-meter (6.23 km).
A cement bridge allows the tourists across the castle-like structure. Also can be seen glistening stalactites and stalagmites which formed a few millennia ago by droplets of water so as to create a path around the rocks that are difficult to destroy.
Caves along the 10 thousand meters (about 33 thousand feet) it has one of the world's largest stalactites hanging from the roof of 8.2 meters. Enchantment Jeita Grotto worldwide. Relics of prehistoric cave visited every year an average of 280 thousand tourists


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